Friday, April 13, 2012

My Hellenic Virtues

Many Hellenes take their virtues from the Delphic Maxims. I choose to follow Marcus Aurelius's list of virtues instead for several reasons. The first is that Latin translates to English better than Greek so we can gain a better understanding of the true meaning of these words. The second reason is that there are hundreds of Delphic Maxims and not all of them make sense to us now and days. 

Here is the list of virtues 

This is maintaining an understanding of your social standing and working towards improving it. 

This is remaining friendly and open to people. It also can also mean that you remain loose as opposed to rigid in life. 

This virtue tells us to be kind and merciful to people as well as hospitable. 

This means that we should take pride in ourselves and maintain our self worth. 

This means that we should be decisive in our actions and stick to a project that we have started until the end. 

This virtue tells us to be frugal and avoid over indulgences and the passiveness they tend to create in people. 

This means that we should be responsible and understand the consequences of our actions in any given situation. 

This means that we should build and maintain a respectable reputation in society. It also means that we shouldn't do anything to shame ourselves or family in public. 

This virtue means that we should remain civilized and pursue things like the arts and knowledge throughout our lives. 

This means that we should work hard at whatever we do. 

This is easily the most important virtue and the deepest. It means that we should be loyal to the natural order of things in nature in the home in society and in our faith. We must remain faithful to our country our homes our families and our gods. This virtue also tells us that we should honor tradition and work to ensure the survival of those traditions.

This means that we should be prudent and thoughtful before committing to a course of action. 

This virtue means that we should keep our home and person clean. We should also keep ourselves healthy. 

This means that we should exercise self restraint when needed and have a powerful will. 

This last virtue tells us to be honest to everyone including ourselves. 

Not following these virtues won't land you a spot in Tartarus or anything like that. The biggest reason why these should be followed is because they build one's honor and the Gods listen more closely to a man with honor than a thief. The only virtue on this list that the Gods have punished people for breaking before is Pietas. There plenty of stories of people committing patricide/matricide or betraying their city and the Gods turning Their backs on them for it.

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